If you are one of those selected to participate in the MedInBio Transfer Forum here you can find some recommendations for preparing your pitch.
MedInBio wants to be a dynamic and informal forum that favors communication and collaboration among participants. That is why each participant will make a 3 minute pitch where he explains to the rest of the attendees his activity and what its differential value is.
As time is limited we want to offer some guidelines for your elevator pitch so that the message is clear and concise.

We must never forget that we have to get the attention of potential collaborators/clients, and to achieve that we have to focus our message on what we offer and not on how we do it. Following the steps described here and answering these questions the message should be clear and effective.
If you are a researcher or professional you have to base your questions on your knowledge and techniques. For example, if I develop tools to help diagnose breast cancer in CT images what I offer are knowledge about TAC; knowledge in image processing and pattern recognition; access to a database with diagnosed patients… I need new diagnosed patients, and I want to open a new line of research of patients registered with MRI`s… If I am a cardiologist, I can offer my knowledge and experience in cardiology; access to patients with a certain clinical picture… I would need an informatics team to work on the patients histories I have…
Do not waste too much time explaining who you are and where you work, since your contact information will be displayed during your talk. For this you will have to fill in a template that you will send to us before November 16th. It is recommended that you fill it once you have decided on how you are going to disclose your pitch. You will also find a form to fill out about your company that we will delivered to the other participants of the MedInBio forum.
Here bellow you can find an example of slides and see more details about information we need from you.
Exemplary slide

Exemplary card