When IT meets hospitals… sometimes good could happen

Viktor Gal is currently working as a PostDoc at ETHZ at the Biomedical Informatics Lab, where they are currently working directly with hospitals and doctors, having a better understanding of patients and what treatment they should get, what we call a «personalized healthcare».

He will present his experience and how collaborate directly with doctors can improve their results and get earlier to the market. The main advantages and problems encountered when working with people of different knowledge and background.

His main work is with a group of doctors at the University Hospital of Zurich, who are treating patients that had brain aneurysm rupture. The idea is that based on their health status and other information they could build a model to predict the chances of survival after treatment (surgery etc.) and another model that predicts the survival chances after a year. Different factors make it challenging to define the model and make it reliable to work across different hospitals.

viktor gal

ETH Zürich, Shogun.ML

In the last years worked as a data scientist, mainly focusing on biomedical data. Passionate about open-source and open-science.

Road Map | ¿Cómo vendo mi producto sanitario en la UE?

Poner a la venta un producto o software sanitario ya no es el último eslabón de la cadena. El desarrollo y la importación de productos sanitarios debe tener en cuenta los requisitos que impone el mercado europeo antes de su venta. Pero, ¿cuáles son? ¿Por dónde empezar?

Omologic, Ingeniería en Marcado CE de Productos Sanitarios nos ofrece, desde la perspectiva del mercado, un enfoque global y estructurado para diseñar y vender productos sanitarios. En esta charla, Ezequiel Olmos, Ingeniero en Omologic, aportará un completo Road Map para cumplir, paso a paso, con todos los requisitos legales que impone la Unión Europea al mercado de productos sanitarios.

En su trayectoria profesional, Ezequiel Olmos ha trabajado a nivel internacional con casi todas las directivas que afectan a un producto para todo tipo de Industrias entre las que destacan la Sanitaria y la Tecnológica.

Nos aportará en MedInBio una visión práctica y esencial para todos aquellos que quieran desarrollar, importar o vender productos sanitarios en Europa.

Ezequiel Olmos Comino

Ingeniero experto en Marcado CE en Omologic, Homologación & Marcado CE.